In the most critical areas of the company’s day-to-day:
4.1 Accounting
4.2 Financial
4.3 IT
4.4 Internal Audit/Control
4.5 In processes prior to the beginning of operations of the company
Advisories Services
This service consists of two monthly meetings with the customer in which we will analyze:
The financial statements and we will issue the recommendations that are necessary so that the financial statements may faithfully demonstrate the financial and economic situations of the company.
The budgets, cash flows and break even points are evaluated.
The company is analyzed by way of the financial reasons.
Re-engineering applied to the company according to the line of the business and of the market in which it carries out business.
Fiscal strategies are suggested to the customer for his analysis, using the fiscal shields that permissible by law, so that the customers may take advantage of them and apply those benefits for the profit of the partners and of the company.
The accounting systems that the company has are analyzed and we will provide support in the acquisition and implementation of the accounting systems, thus generating security and time and money saving for the company.
Recommendations are issued regarding the establishment of adequate internal controls in accordance to the company’s operation in all of the areas of greatest risk, both financial as well as operational.
The customer is guided in the different processes that must be carried out prior to the initiation of its operations: registration with the Tax Authority, operation permits with the Department of Health, Municipal Permits, registry as an employer with the Social Security Board, processes with Procomer, etc.
Elaboration of Internal Controls, policies and procedures.
Our professionals analyze the company’s environment operation by operation so as to:
Establish the internal working policies.
Establish the Procedures for each one of the functions within the organization.
Establish the profiles for each one of the positions in accordance to the internal control security filters as recommended to the company.
Train the staff so that they carry out the functions in accordance to the established procedures.
Carry out field tests to optimize the efficiency of the staff.