The audit will be carried out according to the Auditing Standards duly accepted and adopted by the Public Accountants’ Association of Costa Rica, and will be aimed at expressing a professional opinion to determine in the financial statements of the client reasonably represent his financial situation, his operational results, his cash flows and the statement of changes in equity at the closing of a determined fiscal period, in accordance to the mandatory International Accounting Standards.
Our audits are based on selective evidences of the financial information and of the accounting books, aimed at determining if there are significant deviations that may affect the CUSTOMER’S interests.
Likewise, if there are situations that are contrary to the internal audit’s inspection that generate significant affections, we would be expanding the scope of our sampling with the purpose of giving a higher level of security to our scope.
Financial Audit
Operational Audit
Systems Audit
Forensic Audit
Working Program of the Audit
Perspective of the Audit
Job Planning
Job planning, in such a way that it will allow the auditor an integral understanding of the Company and based on that, to be able to set the objectives of the audit.
Examination of the External Factors
To dedicate to the examination of the external factors that have an impact on the operations of the Company, fundamentally in aspects related to the financial, economic and legal matters.
Compliance of the Objectives
The compliance of the objectives will be done for the period being studied by way of programed visits in two different stages. Each stage will be aimed at the programed actions and activities.
Main Techniques of the Audit
In following we present some of the techniques used in the execution of a financial statement audit

Analysis, planning and definition of significant areas
Since each one of the areas of the financial statements has its own distinct characteristics from the point of view of their relative importance, complexity and volume of the transactions and accounting procedures, etc. We will carry out a preliminary analysis of the variations and trends of the financial statements, etc., to determine the risks associated to the each claim and the significant areas to which the greatest efforts of the audit are going to be destined.

Statistical and non-statistical sampling
The volume of the customer’s transactions requires the auditor to use sampling techniques that will allow him to obtain the evidence of the reasonability of each claim by way of a portion of the population. That is why our samples are based on sampling techniques that are especially designed for audit jobs, in where the size of the samples are associated to the evaluations of the internal audit and to other related substantial procedures.

The way to Develop the Audit
To be able to comply with the planned objectives in the approach of the audit, the following must be done:
To carry out a strategic plan for the audit of the financial statements of the Customer.
Identify, document and evaluate the structure of the internal accounting and IT control.
Audit Reports
The Audited Financial Statements:
a. Opinion of the Independent Auditors. b. Comparative Balance Sheets with the previous year. c. Comparative Income Statement with the previous year. d. Cash Flow Statement. e. Equity Change Statements. f. Notes to the Financial Statements.Letter to the Management
Letter to the Management, in which the findings of the weaknesses of the internal control are revealed, and the eventual deviations that have been determined, through which reasoning and recommendations for their correction are issued.